College Athlete Success Evaluation (C.A.S.E.) - Individual and Team Sports

The demands that student-athletes face are very different from those placed on professional or other amateur athletes. The main reason why student-athletes are unique is that they are required to perform well both athletically and academically. Media attention, lack of time to socialize, being away from home for the first time, peer pressure, frequent travel and the usual issues that young people have to deal with all act as stressors.
Unless the student-athletes are mentally strong, stable and focused, they may have serious difficulties fulfilling their extensive obligations.
When a university decides to grant athletic scholarships to certain students, it is with the belief and hope that they can deal with the pressures and responsibilities that will inevitably arise. Interviews, past grades and, of course, performance in their sport are all taken into account when deciding which candidates will receive one of a limited number of scholarships.
Unfortunately, these measures cannot always provide sufficient and objective insight into a candidate's mental characteristics - essential traits that are needed to be a successful student-athlete.

The College Athlete Success Evaluation (for team or individual sports) does just that by measuring several important factors including Academic Commitment, Athletic Commitment, Accountability, Perseverance, Mental Strength, Focus and Accountability. C.A.S.E will assess the extent to which an individual possesses the psychological characteristics to succeed as an athlete and as a student.