athletic tests

Athlete Success Evaluation (A.S.E. for adults) - Individual Sports
62 questions, 35 min

You have the skill of a great athlete, but do you have the mindset? Success in individual sports requires more than speed, agility, and stamina - athletes need to possess the attitude and frame of mind that can get them through the competitive, high stress atmosphere that comes with the territory. In order to be the best, an athlete must think like the best. This test will assess whether you have what it takes to be a psychological competitor.

To complete the assessment, examine the following questions or statements and indicate which of the given options best applies to you. Select answer choices that reflect how you usually feel or act - that most accurately describe your general feelings or behaviors. There may be some questions describing situations that do not apply to you. In these cases, select the answer that you most likely choose if you ever found yourself in such a situation.

After finishing the test, you will receive a Snapshot Report with an introduction, a graph and a personalized interpretation for one of your test scores. You will then have the option to purchase the full results.